When it comes to feeding your beloved guinea pigs, providing them with the best nutrition is of utmost importance. A nutritious and balanced diet is crucial for their overall well-being and longevity. In the UK, there are numerous options available for guinea pig foods, but how do you know which ones are the best?

Choosing high-quality and vet-approved guinea pig foods is essential to ensure that your furry friends receive the proper nutrients they need. With that in mind, we have compiled a list of the top guinea pig food brands in the UK that come highly recommended by veterinarians and pet enthusiasts.

Key Takeaways:

  • Opt for premium guinea pig food brands in the UK that are vet-approved.
  • Choose guinea pig pellets that contain natural and high-quality ingredients.
  • Look for guinea pig foods that are made from Timothy hay-based pellets and contain essential nutrients like Vitamin C and fiber.
  • Avoid guinea pig food with unhealthy additives such as dried fruit, seeds, nuts, and added sugars.
  • Remember to provide a varied diet for your guinea pigs, including hay and fresh vegetables alongside pellet food.

What is the best guinea pig food?

When it comes to providing the best nutrition for your guinea pig, choosing the right food is crucial. The best guinea pig food brands prioritize using natural, high-quality ingredients to promote your furry friend’s overall health and well-being.

Two highly recommended brands are Small Pet Select Premium Guinea Pig Food Pellets and Science Selective Naturals Grain Free Guinea Pig Food. These top guinea pig food brands have gained popularity among guinea pig owners for their commitment to providing balanced and nutritious meals.

Small Pet Select Premium Guinea Pig Food Pellets are made with Timothy hay and enriched with essential vitamins and minerals. These pellets contain no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, ensuring a wholesome and natural diet for your guinea pig.

On the other hand, Science Selective Naturals Grain Free Guinea Pig Food is specially formulated to suit the dietary needs of guinea pigs. It contains a blend of Timothy hay and other delicious, fiber-rich ingredients, promoting healthy digestion and maintaining optimal weight.

Both of these top guinea pig food brands prioritize the well-being of your furry friend, offering a balanced blend of essential nutrients needed for a complete and nourishing diet. These brands understand that guinea pigs require a diverse range of nutrients to thrive, and they strive to meet these nutritional requirements.

Feeding your guinea pig the best food not only supports their overall health but also contributes to their happiness and well-being. Consider these top guinea pig food brands when selecting a diet for your furry friend to ensure they receive the nutrition they need to live a long and healthy life.

What are the best ingredients in guinea pig food?

When it comes to choosing the best guinea pig food, it’s crucial to look at the ingredients. A high-quality guinea pig food should contain the right balance of nutrients to support your furry friend’s health. Here are the key ingredients to look for in guinea pig food:

1. Timothy Hay-Based Pellets

A guinea pig’s diet should consist of Timothy hay-based pellets as the primary component. Timothy hay is rich in fiber and aids in digestion, promoting a healthy digestive system for your pet. These pellets provide the essential nutrients that guinea pigs need to thrive. They are widely regarded as the best dry food choice for guinea pigs.

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for guinea pigs as they cannot produce it on their own. Look for guinea pig foods that contain added Vitamin C or guinea pig pellets fortified with this nutrient. Ensuring an adequate intake of Vitamin C is crucial for preventing scurvy, a condition that can affect guinea pigs.

3. Fiber

Fiber is another important component of a guinea pig’s diet. It aids in digestion, helps maintain a healthy weight, and supports overall gut health. Guinea pig foods with a high fiber content contribute to optimal digestive function and prevent common health issues such as gastrointestinal stasis.

By choosing guinea pig food that contains Timothy hay-based pellets, Vitamin C, and fiber, you’re providing your furry friend with a nutritious and well-rounded diet. Check the ingredient list of guinea pig food carefully to ensure these key ingredients are included.

Ingredient Benefit
Timothy Hay-Based Pellets Provides necessary nutrients and promotes digestion
Vitamin C Prevents scurvy and supports overall health
Fiber Aids digestion and maintains gut health

Choosing guinea pig food with the best ingredients ensures that your little friend receives the necessary nutrients for a healthy and vibrant life. Providing a diet rich in Timothy hay-based pellets, Vitamin C, and fiber will promote optimal well-being and provide a strong foundation for your guinea pig’s overall health.

What are bad ingredients in dry guinea pig food?

When it comes to choosing the right dry food for your guinea pig, it’s important to be aware of the unhealthy ingredients that some products may contain. These additives can have negative effects on your guinea pig’s health and should be avoided. Here are some of the common unhealthy ingredients found in guinea pig food:

  • Dried Fruit: While fruits are a natural part of a guinea pig’s diet, dried fruit can be high in sugar and preservatives. Excessive sugar consumption can lead to obesity and dental problems in guinea pigs. Opt for fresh fruits instead.
  • Seeds: Seeds may seem like a healthy addition, but they can pose a choking hazard and are high in fat. Guinea pigs are not designed to eat seeds and should not be included in their diet.
  • Nuts: Nuts are another ingredient that should be avoided in guinea pig food. They are high in fat and can lead to digestive issues and obesity.
  • Added Sugars: Added sugars, such as sucrose or corn syrup, can be harmful to guinea pigs. These unnecessary sweeteners can contribute to weight gain and dental problems. Always check the ingredient list for any added sugars.

It is crucial to read the ingredient list carefully when choosing dry food for your guinea pig. Look for products that prioritize natural and wholesome ingredients without any unnecessary additives. By selecting high-quality guinea pig food, you can ensure the health and well-being of your furry friend.

Do guinea pigs need pellet food?

Guinea pigs need pellet food as an essential component of their balanced diet. Pellets are specially formulated to provide the necessary nutrition for their overall health and well-being. While it is technically possible to make their food from scratch, it can be challenging to achieve the precise balance of vitamins and minerals that pellets offer.

Pellets play a crucial role in meeting guinea pigs’ dietary needs. They are designed to provide the correct balance of essential nutrients, including protein, fiber, calcium, and Vitamin C. These nutrients are vital for maintaining healthy bones, teeth, and an efficient digestive system in guinea pigs.

“Pellet food is a convenient and reliable way to ensure that your guinea pigs are receiving all the necessary nutrients for their optimal health.”

Making guinea pig food from scratch requires extensive knowledge of their dietary requirements and careful attention to ingredient ratios. It can be particularly challenging to provide the adequate amount of Vitamin C, which guinea pigs cannot produce on their own. Pellets, on the other hand, are specifically fortified with Vitamin C to meet this essential nutritional requirement.

Choosing high-quality pellet food is crucial to ensure that your guinea pigs receive the necessary nutrients they need. Look for pellets that contain natural ingredients and avoid those with artificial additives, fillers, or excessive sugars. Investing in a reputable brand will help safeguard your guinea pigs’ health and well-being.

While pellet food is an essential part of a guinea pig’s diet, it should be complemented with other components. A balanced diet for guinea pigs includes unlimited access to fresh hay, daily servings of fresh vegetables, and a constant supply of clean water. Combining these elements will provide your guinea pigs with a complete and nutritious diet.

To visualize the importance of pellet food in a guinea pig’s diet, refer to the table below, which highlights the key nutrients provided by high-quality pellets:

Nutrient Role
Protein Building blocks for growth and maintenance of muscles and organs
Fiber Aids digestion and maintains a healthy gut
Calcium Essential for strong bones and teeth
Vitamin C Boosts immune system, promotes healthy skin, and prevents scurvy

Providing your guinea pigs with pellet food ensures they receive the necessary nutrition to thrive. However, remember to offer a balanced variety of foods to meet their specific needs. Consult with a veterinarian for personalized dietary advice to keep your furry friends healthy, happy, and content.

How many pellets should I feed my guinea pig each day?

When it comes to guinea pig pellet food, it’s important to feed them the right amount to maintain their health and prevent overfeeding. The recommended daily portion for guinea pigs is about an eighth of a cup or 2 tablespoons of pellets.

It’s crucial to measure the proper portion to ensure you’re not giving them too much, as overweight guinea pigs are more prone to health problems. Use a measuring cup or tablespoon to accurately portion their pellets.

However, it’s important to note that pellets should not be the only component of your guinea pig’s diet. Fresh hay and vegetables should be the main components, with pellets serving as a supplement. A balanced diet is key to meeting their nutritional needs.

Remember to provide fresh hay and water at all times. Hay is essential for their digestion and dental health. Vegetables should be introduced gradually to prevent digestive upset and make up around 10-20% of their daily food intake.

Guinea pigs are herbivores, and a varied diet is essential to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients. While pellets are a convenient food option, it’s important to prioritize hay and fresh vegetables as the mainstay of their diet to promote their overall well-being.

Guinea Pig Feeding Guidelines:

  • Feed your guinea pig about an eighth of a cup or 2 tablespoons of pellets per day.
  • Measure the correct portion to prevent overfeeding and potential health issues.
  • Provide fresh hay and water at all times as the main components of their diet.
  • Introduce a variety of fresh vegetables gradually, making up around 10-20% of their daily food intake.
  • Follow a balanced diet to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients.

Remember, a healthy guinea pig diet consists of more than just pellets. Hay and vegetables play a crucial role in their overall well-being.

My guinea pig is not eating pellets – what should I do?

If your guinea pig is not eating pellets, it can be a cause for concern. There can be several reasons why your guinea pig is refusing to eat their pellet food. One possibility is that they simply don’t like the brand or type of pellets you are offering them. Guinea pigs can be picky eaters, and preferences can vary from one individual to another.

As a troubleshooting measure, you can try offering a different high-quality pellet food to see if your guinea pig shows a preference for a specific brand or type. Some guinea pigs have specific tastes or textures they prefer, so experimenting with different options may help encourage their appetite. Pay attention to their reaction and see if they show more interest in the new pellets.

However, if your guinea pig is not eating any food at all, including pellets, it is essential to consult a veterinarian. A loss of appetite can be a sign of an underlying health issue, and a vet will be able to provide professional guidance and advice to ensure the well-being of your guinea pig.


  • Guinea pigs can be picky eaters and may have preferences for specific pellet brands or types.
  • Try offering a different high-quality pellet food to see if your guinea pig develops a preference.
  • If your guinea pig is refusing all food, including pellets, consult a veterinarian for further evaluation.

Ensuring your guinea pig’s appetite is properly addressed is crucial for their overall health and well-being.

Can guinea pigs live on just pellet food?

While pellet food provides necessary nutrients for guinea pigs, they cannot survive on it alone. A varied and balanced diet is crucial for their overall health and well-being. Along with pellet food, it is important to include other components in their diet to ensure they receive all the essential nutrients they need. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements:

1. Hay

Hay is an essential part of a guinea pig’s diet. It provides the necessary fiber for proper digestion and supports dental health. Timothy hay is the most commonly recommended type for guinea pigs.

2. Fresh Vegetables

Offering a variety of fresh vegetables is important for guinea pigs. These should include leafy greens, such as kale, spinach, and romaine lettuce, as well as bell peppers, cucumbers, and carrots.

3. Occasional Fruits

Although fruits should be given in moderation due to their high sugar content, they can be a tasty treat for guinea pigs. Safe options include small pieces of apple, pear, or strawberry.

By incorporating these components into your guinea pig’s diet, you provide them with a diverse range of nutrients and help prevent nutritional deficiencies. Remember to introduce new foods gradually and consult with a veterinarian for specific dietary recommendations.

Can guinea pigs eat pellet food instead of hay?

Pellet food should not replace hay in a guinea pig’s diet. Hay is essential for their dental health and digestive system. While pellets can supplement their diet, hay should be the primary source of fiber and roughage. Pellet food should only be a small part of their overall diet.

Hay provides numerous benefits to guinea pigs. It helps to maintain their dental health by wearing down their teeth, which continuously grow. The rough texture of hay also promotes proper digestion by preventing hairballs and aiding in healthy gut movement.

Furthermore, hay encourages natural foraging behaviors, keeping guinea pigs mentally stimulated and preventing boredom. It also provides them with essential nutrients like Vitamin C, which is crucial for their overall well-being.

“Hay plays a vital role in a guinea pig’s diet, and it should never be replaced entirely by pellet food.”

While pellet food contains some fiber, it lacks the long strands of roughage found in hay. This can lead to a higher risk of dental and digestive problems in guinea pigs if they rely solely on pellets for their fiber intake.

To ensure a healthy diet for your guinea pig, offer unlimited access to fresh, high-quality hay such as Timothy hay or orchard grass. This should make up the majority of their daily diet. Pellet food should be given in limited quantities, following the manufacturer’s recommended guidelines.

A balanced diet for guinea pigs typically consists of approximately 80% hay, 10% fresh vegetables, and 10% pellet food. This combination ensures they receive the necessary nutrients, fiber, and hydration for their overall health and well-being.

The Importance of Hay in a Guinea Pig’s Diet

Hay is not just a source of fiber for guinea pigs, but it also provides them with physical and mental stimulation. Chewing on hay helps maintain the proper length of their teeth, which can prevent dental issues such as overgrowth and malocclusion.

In terms of mental stimulation, hay provides guinea pigs with an activity that mimics their natural behavior in the wild. It encourages natural foraging instincts and keeps them entertained.

Adequate hay consumption is especially crucial for young guinea pigs, as their teeth and digestive systems are still developing. Introducing hay from an early age helps establish good chewing habits and ensures proper gut function.

Benefits of Hay for Guinea Pigs Why Pellet Food Alone is Insufficient
  • Promotes dental health
  • Aids in digestion
  • Prevents hairballs
  • Encourages natural foraging behavior
  • Provides essential nutrients like Vitamin C
  • Lacks long strands of roughage
  • Inadequate dental wear
  • Potential for digestive issues
  • Higher risk of boredom
  • Limited nutrient variety

How to introduce a new pellet food to your guinea pigs

When introducing a new pellet food to your guinea pigs, it’s important to do so gradually to avoid any digestive upset. Follow these steps to smoothly transition your furry friends to their new pellets:

  1. Start by mixing a small amount of the new pellet food with their current food. This will allow them to gradually get used to the new taste and texture.
  2. Feed this mixture to your guinea pigs for about a week, monitoring their reaction and ensuring they are still eating.
  3. If your guinea pigs have adapted well to the mix, gradually increase the ratio of new food to old food over the next week or two.
  4. Continue monitoring their eating habits and overall health during the transition period.
  5. After 2-4 weeks, your guinea pigs should be fully transitioned to the new pellet food. At this point, you can eliminate the old food from their diet.

Remember, every guinea pig is unique, and some may require a longer transition period. Take the time to observe their behavior and adjust the pace accordingly.

Pro Tip: If your guinea pigs are resistant to the new pellet food, try mixing in some of their favorite vegetables or herbs to entice them. Alternatively, you can try a different brand or flavor of pellet food that may be more appealing to them.

Gradually introducing a new pellet food to your guinea pigs is essential for a smooth transition. By following these steps, you can ensure their digestive system adapts without any issues, and they can enjoy their new pellets with ease.

I’ve run out of pellets – what should I do?

If you find yourself running out of guinea pig pellets, there’s no need to panic. While pellets are an important part of their diet, you can rely on alternative food options in the short term to ensure your furry friends receive the necessary nutrients.

During this period, your guinea pigs can rely on unlimited amounts of fresh hay and a variety of fresh vegetables. Hay is a key component of their diet as it provides essential fiber for optimal digestion and helps maintain their dental health. Fresh vegetables such as leafy greens, bell peppers, and carrots can add variety and additional nutrients to their diet.

It’s important to remember that while you can temporarily substitute pellets with hay and vegetables, pellets provide a concentrated source of essential nutrients for your guinea pigs. Therefore, it’s essential to restock on pellets as soon as possible to ensure their nutritional needs are met.

To avoid running out of pellets in the future, it’s a good idea to regularly stock up and monitor your supply. This way, you can prevent any disruptions in their diet and ensure their overall health and well-being.

alternative food for guinea pigs

Food Option Benefits
Fresh Hay
  • Provides essential fiber for digestion
  • Promotes dental health
  • Offers mental stimulation
Fresh Vegetables
  • Provides additional nutrients
  • Offers variety in their diet
  • Satisfies their natural foraging instincts

Can guinea pigs eat rabbit food?

When it comes to the guinea pig diet, it’s essential to provide them with the right food to meet their nutritional needs. While both guinea pigs and rabbits are herbivores, it’s important to understand that their dietary requirements differ.

Rabbit food is not suitable for guinea pigs. One of the key differences is the level of Vitamin C. Guinea pigs require a significant amount of Vitamin C in their diet as they cannot produce it on their own. Rabbit food does not contain adequate levels of Vitamin C to fulfill the needs of guinea pigs.

Therefore, it is crucial to opt for guinea pig-specific food when feeding your furry friend. Guinea pig food is specially formulated to provide the necessary nutrients, including the required Vitamin C.

Avoid the temptation to substitute rabbit food for guinea pig food, as it could lead to nutritional deficiencies and health problems for your guinea pig. Prioritize the well-being of your guinea pig by choosing the right food specifically designed for them.

Can guinea pigs eat hamster food?

Guinea pigs should not be fed hamster food. While both animals are small pets, their dietary needs differ significantly. Hamster food is specifically formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of hamsters and does not provide the necessary balance of nutrients for guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs require a diet that is rich in Vitamin C, fiber, and specific nutrients to promote their overall health. Hamster food does not contain these essential components, making it unsuitable for guinea pigs.

It is important to understand that what may be suitable for one animal may not be appropriate for another. Guinea pigs should always be fed a food specifically designed for their species to ensure they receive the right combination of nutrients for their well-being.

Criteria Guinea Pig Food Hamster Food
Key Nutrients Fiber, Vitamin C, Calcium Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates
Recommended for Guinea pigs Hamsters
Texture Pellets or hay-based Seed and pellet mixture
Dietary Requirements Specific to guinea pigs Specific to hamsters

A table comparing guinea pig and hamster food

What is the best bowl for guinea pig pellet food?

When it comes to feeding your guinea pig, choosing the right bowl is crucial. You want to ensure that their pellet food is easily accessible and that the bowl is stable enough to prevent tipping over. Here are some excellent options for guinea pig pellet bowls:

  • Haypigs Junior Food Tamer Bowl: This non-tip bowl is ideal for small portions of guinea pig pellets. Its unique design helps to prevent mess and waste, keeping your guinea pig’s eating area clean. The bowl is made from durable BPA-free melamine and is dishwasher safe for easy cleaning.
  • STAYbowl: Another great choice for guinea pig pellet food is the STAYbowl. This bowl features a unique concave design that prevents tipping and promotes healthier eating habits. It is made from food-grade, BPA-free plastic and is dishwasher safe. The STAYbowl comes in various sizes, so you can choose the one that suits your guinea pig’s needs.

If you have multiple guinea pigs and need a larger bowl, consider the following options:

  • Haypigs Food Craving Tamer: This larger non-tip bowl is perfect for households with multiple guinea pigs. It can hold a generous amount of pellets and is designed to prevent tipping, ensuring that each guinea pig gets their fair share. The bowl is made from high-quality melamine, making it durable and easy to clean.
  • Piggies Choice metallic pink food bowl: Add a touch of style to your guinea pigs’ dining area with this metallic pink food bowl. It is not only visually appealing but also designed to be non-tip, ensuring that your guinea pigs can enjoy their pellets without any spills. The bowl is made from sturdy materials and is easy to clean.

Remember to regularly clean the pellet bowl to maintain proper hygiene and remove any leftover food. Providing a stable and reliable bowl for your guinea pig’s pellet food will make mealtime more enjoyable for them and help ensure they are getting the nutrition they need.

Bowl Features Materials Cleaning
Haypigs Junior Food Tamer Bowl Non-tip design, prevents mess and waste Durable BPA-free melamine Dishwasher safe
STAYbowl Concave design, prevents tipping Food-grade, BPA-free plastic Dishwasher safe
Haypigs Food Craving Tamer (larger bowl) Non-tip design, suitable for multiple guinea pigs High-quality melamine Easy to clean
Piggies Choice metallic pink food bowl (larger bowl) Non-tip design, stylish appearance Sturdy materials Easy to clean

guinea pig food bowl


Ensuring that your guinea pigs have the best food is vital for their overall health and well-being. By choosing top-quality pellet food, such as Small Pet Select Premium Guinea Pig Food Pellets and Science Selective Naturals Grain Free Guinea Pig Food, you can provide your furry friends with a nutritious and balanced diet.

However, a guinea pig’s diet should not solely rely on pellets. It is crucial to supplement their food with fresh hay and a variety of vegetables to meet their dietary needs. Timothy hay-based pellets, rich in fiber and Vitamin C, are highly recommended for guinea pigs.

Remember to consult with a vet for personalized advice on your guinea pig’s diet. They can provide you with specific recommendations based on your pet’s individual needs. By prioritizing their nutrition, you can ensure that your guinea pigs live a happy and healthy life.


What is the best guinea pig food?

The best guinea pig food is one that contains a balance of ingredients to promote your guinea pig’s health. Some top recommended brands include Small Pet Select Premium Guinea Pig Food Pellets and Science Selective Naturals Grain Free Guinea Pig Food.

What are the best ingredients in guinea pig food?

The best guinea pig food should be Timothy hay-based and contain essential nutrients like Vitamin C and fiber. These ingredients promote digestion and overall health. Look for pellet food that prioritizes these ingredients.

What are bad ingredients in dry guinea pig food?

Dried guinea pig foods sometimes contain unhealthy and unnecessary additives, such as dried fruit, seeds, nuts, and added sugars. These ingredients are not suitable for guinea pigs and can lead to health problems. Check the ingredient list before purchasing.

Do guinea pigs need pellet food?

Yes, guinea pigs need pellet food as part of their balanced diet. Pellets provide the necessary nutrition for their overall health and are formulated to meet their dietary needs. However, they should also have fresh hay and vegetables as the main components of their diet.

How many pellets should I feed my guinea pig each day?

You should feed your guinea pig about an eighth of a cup (or 2 tablespoons) of pellets each day. It is important to measure the proper portion to prevent overfeeding. Remember to provide fresh hay and vegetables alongside the pellets.

My guinea pig is not eating pellets – what should I do?

If your guinea pig is not eating pellets, it might be a sign that they don’t like that particular brand or type. You can try offering a different high-quality pellet food to see if they show a preference. If your guinea pig is not eating any food, including pellets, it is essential to consult a vet as it can indicate a health issue.

Can guinea pigs live on just pellet food?

No, guinea pigs cannot survive on pellet food alone. While pellets provide necessary nutrients, a varied diet is essential for their overall health. Hay, fresh vegetables, and occasional fruits should also be included to provide a balanced and complete diet for guinea pigs.

Can guinea pigs eat pellet food instead of hay?

Pellet food should not replace hay in a guinea pig’s diet. Hay is essential for their dental health and digestive system. While pellets can supplement their diet, hay should be the primary source of fiber and roughage. Pellet food should only be a small part of their overall diet.

How to introduce a new pellet food to your guinea pigs?

When introducing a new pellet food to your guinea pigs, it’s best to do so gradually. Mix a small amount of the new food with their current food and gradually increase the ratio of new food to old food over a period of 2-4 weeks. This helps to prevent digestive upset.

I’ve run out of pellets – what should I do?

If you run out of pellets, don’t panic. In the short term, guinea pigs can rely on unlimited hay and a variety of fresh vegetables for their nutritional needs. However, it’s important to restock on pellets as soon as possible to ensure your guinea pigs receive the necessary nutrients.

Can guinea pigs eat rabbit food?

No, guinea pigs should not be fed rabbit food. Rabbit food does not include the necessary levels of Vitamin C that guinea pigs require. Always choose a guinea pig-specific food for your furry friend.

Can guinea pigs eat hamster food?

No, guinea pigs should not be fed hamster food. Different animals have different dietary requirements, and hamster food does not provide the necessary nutritional balance for guinea pigs. Always opt for a food formulated specifically for guinea pigs.

What is the best bowl for guinea pig pellet food?

It is important to choose a non-tip bowl for your guinea pig’s pellet food. Some recommended options include the Haypigs Junior Food Tamer Bowl and STAYbowl. If you have multiple guinea pigs, consider larger non-tip bowls like the Haypigs Food Craving Tamer or the Piggies Choice metallic pink food bowl.


Providing your guinea pigs with a balanced and nutritious diet is essential for their overall health and well-being. Choose high-quality pellet food, along with a variety of fresh hay and vegetables, to ensure they receive the necessary nutrients. Consult with a vet for personalized advice on your guinea pig’s diet.